Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Wanting to know more about your birth options and birth supports?
Well then you've come to the right place!
Doulaing : The act of educating, loving, respecting, listening, embracing, advocating, for assisting a woman potentially during labour, birth and beyond
Pricing & Packages
Doula Support
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Supporting you through your pregnancy and birth.
Birth Photography
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Capturing the fierce power and wild ride that is your birthing journey
The Lioness Package
Contact me
the Ultimate combination of Doula support and Birth Photography
How can i serve you as a Doula & Photographer?
As a Doula and photographer, you invite me into your birth space. One of the most Vulnerable and intimate moments of your life, a time where you deserve to feel safe and seen. Heard and respected. Ensuring that you feel this way is a priority for me.
My role is to support you physically and emotionally not only through you birth but through your pregnancy and your postpartum journey as well. A journey that is as unique and amazing as you are, because of this my care and services are tailored to suit your individual needs.
I will help to provide you with information and facts regarding all of your birthing choices. Helping you to prepare and be fully informed on any decisions you may need to make regarding your birth. If you have a question or a concern I am always here for you and to answer those in the best way I can
Wait, didn't you say you were a photographer? Well yes yes I did, thanks for asking. I have been a photographer for as long as I have been a doula, and whilst I can combine these skills and provide you with a 2 in one special, I also offer both as stand alone services. I also offer other types of photography as well
Your birthing choices are yours and I am totally down to support you in whatever you desire!
Why the lioness?
I aim to help you find your inner Lioness. I want to help you unleash your inner power, harness the love and become the ultimate protector. I want to hear you ROAR!
I will help provide you with knowledge, whilst helping you prepare your body for the birth of your baby and onwards into your next journey into motherhood.
I offer a safe space and a judgement free zone, whilst encouraging you to do YOU!
Doula and Dads
It is often asked, "Does having a Doula present replace my partner?"
Absolutely not! In fact I work closely with your partner and sometimes he becomes the focus of my support as well.
I am dads biggest supporter, helping remind him the best ways to support and advocate for you.
We work together in providing physical support to make sure he is always able to provide you with love and care.
Having a doula present also helps to improve dads experience during the birth.
Birth Photography
Post Natal Doula
It takes a village
Supporting you through your transition into parenthood is equally important to me as helping support you through your pregnancy and birth!
Knowing someone is there to help you with the cooking and cleaning. To make sure you are eating properly. Even if it is just someone to someone to sit with you.
It's the knowing that someone is there for support whenever you need them. Like the feeling of a nice warm hug.
If you need me I will be your village.
Post natal Doula Packages available
I don't have many! but here are a few photos of action shots and my doula babies 👶 🥰🥰